25 Best Prank Websites in 2023

Prank websites have become a popular way to have a little fun with friends, family, and even strangers. These sites offer a range of tricks and tools to play harmless jokes on unsuspecting victims. With the rise of technology and the internet, prank websites have evolved to offer a variety of creative and hilarious ways to get a laugh. In this article, we’ll explore 25 of the best prank websites in 2023.

In today’s digital age, pranks aren’t just limited to fake spiders. The internet has opened up a whole new world of pranks that are just a click away. Ever heard of prank websites? They’re online platforms designed purely for fun. These websites let you play light-hearted tricks on friends, family, or even strangers, all without leaving your chair.

Most of these pranks are harmless and meant purely for entertainment. So, whether you’re planning to surprise a friend on April Fool’s Day or just want to lighten up a dull day, these websites have got you covered.

But with so many prank websites popping up, which ones are worth your time? Which ones offer the best pranks that guarantee a good laugh? Don’t worry; we’ve done the homework for you. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of prank websites, exploring the best Prank Websites available in 2023. We’ll also guide you on how to use them effectively.

What are Prank Websites?

Prank websites are online platforms designed to trick or fool users into believing something that isn’t true or to elicit a humorous reaction. They range from fake update screens to humorous quizzes and even sites that allow users to send joke messages or emails. The primary purpose of these websites is entertainment, and they provide users with tools to play light-hearted pranks on their friends and family.

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25 Best Prank Websites to Use in 2023

1) Hacker Typer:

At first glance, ‘Hacker Typer immerses you in the world of Hollywood-style hacking. As users randomly press keys, the website generates lines of code, giving the illusion of real-time hacking. It’s a fun way to feel like a tech genius, even if just for a few minutes. The site plays into the mystique surrounding hackers, making anyone feel like they’re breaking into top-secret databases.

2) GeekTyper:

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Building on the foundation set by ‘Hacker Typer’, ‘GeekTyper’ offers a more intricate experience. With various themes and simulated desktop environments, users can pretend to hack different systems, from a space station to a corporate network. The added visuals and sound effects enhance the experience, making the pretend hacking session even more immersive.

3) WhatsApp Fake Chat:

In an era where messaging apps dominate communication, ‘WhatsApp Fake Chat’ lets users craft fictional conversations. From creating imaginary chats with celebrities to fabricating evidence of a friend’s “promise” to buy lunch, the possibilities are endless. It’s a tool that blends storytelling with modern communication.

4) Prank Me Not Fake Facebook Status Generator:

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Social media has become a reflection of our lives, and this tool plays into that narrative. Users can create fictitious Facebook statuses, complete with likes, comments, and reactions. It’s a humorous way to envision alternate realities or play light-hearted pranks on friends.

5) Peter Answers:

This website is a digital version of the classic “mind-reading” trick. Users secretly input the answer, and ‘Peter’ magically provides it, leaving onlookers baffled. It’s a clever play on the age-old question: “How did you know that?”

6) FartScrollJS:

Embracing the universal humor of flatulence, ‘FartScrollJS’ adds a comedic touch to websites. As users scroll, they’re greeted with fart noises. It’s a juvenile yet undeniably funny prank, especially when used unexpectedly.

7) Update Faker:

In the digital age, few things are as universally recognized (and often dreaded) as system updates. ‘Update Faker’ taps into this, displaying fake update screens for various operating systems. It’s a harmless way to make someone believe their system is updating, leading to moments of mild frustration followed by laughter.

8) The Awesome Prank Extension:

This Chrome extension is a prankster’s Swiss Army knife. Once installed, it offers a range of pranks from altering website content to adding funny images. It’s a comprehensive tool for those looking to add a touch of humor to their browsing experience.

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9) Love Calculator Prank:

Proxy Websites


Playing on the age-old theme of love and crushes, this website claims to calculate love compatibility. In reality, it’s a prank tool where users can set predetermined results, leading to humorous revelations.

10) Shady URL:

In a world where web safety is paramount, ‘Shady URL’ humorously converts regular links into ones that look dubious. It’s a playful reminder of internet safety, making users think twice before clicking.

11) The Google Terminal:

Nostalgia meets tech with ‘The Google Terminal’. This site reimagines what Google might have looked like had it existed in the 1980s. With retro graphics and old-school commands, it’s a delightful trip down memory lane.

12) Instructables & WikiHow:

Both these sites are treasure troves of DIY projects and ideas, including pranks. From crafting physical prank tools to step-by-step guides on digital pranks, they offer a plethora of options for the aspiring prankster.

13) Fake Update: Windows:

Building on the theme of ‘Update Faker’, this specific tool simulates a Windows update screen. It’s a relatable prank, given the ubiquity of Windows updates and the impatience they often induce.

14) Send Cat Facts:

In the vast realm of the internet, there’s a delightful corner dedicated to cat enthusiasts. ‘Send Cat Facts’ taps into this love for feline trivia. Users can anonymously send intriguing facts about cats to unsuspecting recipients. Imagine the surprise when someone learns about a cat’s unique sleeping habits or its history of being worshipped in ancient cultures. It’s a playful way to sprinkle a bit of feline magic into someone’s day.

15) Hair On Screen:

Proxy Websites


Visual pranks have a charm of their own. The ‘Hair On Screen’ Chrome extension capitalizes on this by placing a realistic-looking hair strand on the user’s screen. It’s designed to momentarily baffle the user, making them attempt to swipe away a non-existent hair. A simple yet effective prank, it’s bound to elicit a chuckle once the realization dawns.

16) Mail a Meme:

Memes have become the modern world’s comic strips. ‘Mail a Meme’ takes the digital joy of memes and gives them a tangible form. Users can select a meme, add a message, and have it physically mailed to someone. It’s a nostalgic nod to the days of postcards but with a contemporary twist

17) Ship Your Enemies Glitter:

Glitter, often dubbed the ‘herpes of the craft world’, is notorious for its persistence. This website allows users to send envelopes filled with glitter to unsuspecting recipients. When opened, the glitter goes everywhere, leading to a sparkly mess. It’s a prank that shines, quite literally!

18) Blow Up The Phone:

In an age of constant connectivity, ‘Blow Up The Phone’ offers a humorous overload. Users can send a barrage of calls or texts to a friend, flooding their notifications. It’s a digital tickle attack, meant to overwhelm but not harm.

19) JibJab Message:

Personalization meets humor with ‘JibJab Message’. This platform allows users to insert their selfies into hilarious GIFs. From dancing avatars to famous movie scenes, users can star in a range of comical animations, making messages memorable.

20) Shitexpress:

Treading the line between humor and shock, ‘Shitexpress’ offers a bold prank. Users can send fake feces to someone, packaged and delivered. It’s a statement prank, meant for those who appreciate audacious humor.

21) Facebook Pranks (Scary):

Social media pranks have a wide reach, and this website offers tools to craft eerie Facebook profiles. Perfect for Halloween or to spook a friend, it transforms regular profiles into something out of a horror story.

22) WhatsFake (Fake WhatsApp):


Prank Websites

The art of crafting fictional narratives gets a digital platform with ‘WhatsFake’. Users can create believable WhatsApp conversation screenshots, complete with customized messages, timestamps, and profile pictures. It’s storytelling for the modern age, with a prankish twist.

23)FartScroll: Funny Pranks:

Some pranks appeal to the child in everyone, and ‘FartScroll’ does just that. As users scroll through a webpage, they’re greeted with fart noises. It’s a website that’s not afraid to embrace toilet humor, offering giggles with every scroll.

24) Shady URL:

In a world where URLs are straightforward, ‘Shady URL’ offers a mischievous alternative. It converts regular links into ones that look dubious, making recipients think twice before clicking.

25) Great Big Stuff:

The joy of oversized objects comes alive with ‘Great Big Stuff’. From giant pencils to mammoth mugs, it offers a range of products that challenge size norms. It’s a celebration of all things large, making everyday items into statement pieces.

How to Use Prank Websites: Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Choose the Right Website: Depending on the prank you want to play, select the appropriate website.
  2. Follow Instructions: Most prank websites will have clear instructions on how to set up and execute the prank.
  3. Test First: Before pranking someone, test the prank on yourself to ensure it works as expected.
  4. Be Responsible: Ensure that your pranks are harmless and won’t cause any distress or harm.
  5. Enjoy the Reaction: Once the prank is executed, enjoy the reaction but be ready to reveal that it was just a prank.


Q1: Are prank websites safe?

Most prank websites are safe, but always ensure you’re using reputable sites to avoid malware or phishing risks.

Q2: Can I get in trouble for using prank websites?

While most pranks are harmless, always ensure your pranks don’t cross any legal or ethical boundaries.

Q3: Do prank websites cost money?

Some prank websites might charge for premium features, but many are free.

Q4: How do I know if I’ve been pranked?

If something seems too good to be true or overly suspicious, it might be a prank. Always double-check.

Q5: Can I create my own prank website?

Yes, with some coding knowledge, you can create your own prank website.


Prank websites offer a fun and creative way to share a laugh with friends and family. Whether you’re looking to play a harmless joke or just want to lighten the mood, these websites provide a range of options to choose from. Always remember to use them responsibly and ensure that your pranks are in good spirits.

Happy pranking!

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