Is RUGBY 24 CPU or GPU intensive?

As the gaming world eagerly awaits the release of “Rugby 24” by Big Ant Studios, a big question on everyone’s mind is whether this new rugby game will make their computer’s brain (CPU) or its eyes (GPU) work harder. With its anticipated high-quality graphics and realistic gameplay, knowing whether Rugby 24 CPU or GPU intensive is crucial for fans looking to get the smoothest play experience possible.

Big Ant Studios, the creators behind “Rugby 24,” have a solid reputation for delivering top-notch sports simulations. They’re committed to making “Rugby 24” not just another game but an authentic rugby experience. This means capturing the essence of the sport, from the look of the players to the feel of the game, which could mean your computer will need to be in top form to run it.

As we edge closer to the game’s early access release on Steam in March 2024, everyone’s getting ready to find out if Rugby 24 CPU or GPU intensive. This is to calculate how much power they’ll need under their computer’s hood to jump into the most realistic rugby game yet.

Overview of Rugby 24

RUGBY 24 CPU or GPU intensive

Rugby 24 is a dynamic and physically demanding team sport known for its rich history and deep-rooted traditions. Originating in the early 19th century at Rugby School in England, it has grown into a global phenomenon, enjoyed by millions of fans and players worldwide. The sport is divided into two main variants: Rugby Union and Rugby League, each with its own set of rules, gameplay style, and following.

Rugby Union is characterized by 15 players on each team and is renowned for its scrums, lineouts, and mauls. It emphasizes endurance, strategy, and teamwork, with matches lasting 80 minutes, split into two halves. The Rugby World Cup, held every four years, is the pinnacle of international rugby union competitions, showcasing the best teams from around the globe.

Rugby League, on the other hand, features 13 players per side and is known for its fast-paced action, with a greater focus on ball handling and running. Matches also last 80 minutes but tend to have a quicker flow compared to rugby union. The Rugby League World Cup is the premier international tournament for this variant, attracting teams from diverse nations.

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Is Rugby 24 CPU or GPU intensive?

As of now, specific details about Rugby 24 CPU or GPU intensive are not available. The game’s release has been delayed, with an early access version expected on Steam in March 2024. This delay is partly due to the developers’ commitment to capturing authentic player likenesses and delivering a highly realistic rugby simulation. System requirements and performance details are expected to be clarified closer to the game’s release.

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  1. When will “Rugby 24” be released?
    • “Rugby 24” is scheduled for an early access release on Steam in March 2024.
  2. Why was “Rugby 24” delayed?
    • The delay was due to challenges in capturing 3D player likenesses before the Rugby World Cup, aiming to ensure the game’s authenticity.
  3. Will “Rugby 24” be available on consoles?
    • A full console release is planned after completing content capture and the early access phase on Steam.
  4. What makes “Rugby 24” stand out?
    • “Rugby 24” aims to be the most authentic rugby simulation to date, with detailed player likenesses and strategic gameplay.
  5. How can I prepare my PC for “Rugby 24”?
    • Stay updated on the game’s system requirements and ensure your hardware is ready closer to the game’s release.


While it remains to be seen whether Rugby 24 CPU or GPU intensive, the excitement for its release is palpable. Big Ant Studios’ dedication to authenticity and realism in their sports titles suggests that “Rugby 24” will offer an immersive rugby experience. As the early access release approaches, players should keep an eye out for system requirements to ensure their setups are ready for the ultimate rugby simulation.

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