How to Recruit Nina in Unicorn Overlord? [Ultimate Guide]

In the vast world of “Unicorn Overlord,” a tactical RPG that has captured the hearts of gamers, recruiting the right characters is crucial to your success. Among these characters, Nina stands out not just for her combat prowess but also for the unique way players can add her to their ranks. This guide will walk you through the steps to recruit Nina in Unicorn Overlord, highlighting her importance and providing tips to make her a formidable ally.

Nina is one of the characters you can meet and convince to join your team. She’s a warrior who’s really good at fighting enemies wearing armor. What makes Nina special isn’t just her fighting skills, but also the unique way you have to go about getting her to join you. You have to complete a specific mission and make sure to talk to her in just the right way during the battle.

Getting Nina on your team is cool because she’s not just another fighter; she has her own story that adds more to the game. Plus, her abilities can help you win more battles. This guide will tell you exactly how to make Nina in Unicorn Overlord a part of your team, so you can use her skills to help win your fights.

Overview of Unicorn Overlord Game

 Nina in Unicorn Overlord

Unicorn Overlord” is a captivating tactical RPG that immerses players in the rich, fantasy continent of Fervith, now under the shadow of the tyrannical Zonoiran empire. In this game, you step into the boots of Alain, an exiled prince determined to gather an army, forge alliances, and liberate the land from its oppressors. The game is a blend of strategic battles, deep storytelling, and character development, set against a backdrop of stunning visuals and an engaging world.

As players navigate through the five distinct nations of Fervith, they encounter a diverse cast of characters, each with their own unique backgrounds, abilities, and roles to play in the overarching narrative. “Unicorn Overlord” challenges players not just on the battlefield but also in making critical decisions that influence the course of the story and the fate of their companions.

The gameplay combines traditional turn-based strategy with innovative mechanics, allowing for a wide range of tactical approaches. Players must carefully manage their resources, decide on the formation and composition of their army, and leverage the terrain to gain an advantage over their enemies. Character recruitment is a crucial aspect, as each new ally brings a set of skills and abilities that can turn the tide of battle.

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Importance of Nina in Unicorn Overlord

In the world of “Unicorn Overlord,” Nina emerges as a character of significant importance, both strategically and narratively. As a warrior-class character, her role on the battlefield is pivotal, offering players a unique blend of strength and tactical versatility that can be crucial in overcoming the game’s many challenges.

Nina’s combat prowess is defined by her specialization in anti-armor abilities, making her an invaluable asset against heavily armored foes. This capability allows players to adapt their strategies against a variety of enemy types, ensuring that Nina can be a key player in piercing through the defenses of the most formidable opponents. Her skills not only contribute to the diversity of the player’s combat strategies but also enhance the team’s ability to handle a wide range of tactical scenarios.

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How to Recruit Nina in Unicorn Overlord

Recruiting Nina in Unicorn Overlord is a unique process that intertwines gameplay mechanics with the game’s narrative, offering players a chance to add a valuable warrior to their ranks. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to recruit Nina:

Step 1: Encounter Nina

  • Nina is introduced as part of the Rock Rats, a group of bandits encountered early in the game. Players first come across Nina during the storyline progression in the region of Cornia.

Step 2: Initiate the Side Quest “Uprooting the Rock Rats”

  • To recruit Nina in Unicorn Overlord, players must undertake the side quest “Uprooting the Rock Rats.” This quest becomes available as players navigate through Cornia, leading them to La Criselle Town, where the quest is initiated.

Step 3: Use Mille’s Unit to Engage Nina

  • A critical aspect of recruiting Nina involves using Mille, a temporary ally and Nina’s sister, during the quest. Players must select Mille’s unit to engage in dialogue with Nina on the battlefield. This interaction is essential for Nina’s recruitment process.

Step 4: Complete the Quest

  • After successfully engaging Nina with Mille’s unit, players must proceed to complete the “Uprooting the Rock Rats” quest. This involves defeating the Rock Rats and fulfilling the quest’s objectives.

Step 5: Accept Nina’s Offer

  • Upon completing the quest, Nina will approach the player’s character, Alain, and offer to join the Liberation Army. Players must accept her offer to officially recruit Nina into their ranks.

Additional Tips:

  • Strategic Engagement: Ensure that Nina is engaged in dialogue by Mille’s unit before any combat actions are taken against her. This is crucial for her recruitment.
  • Quest Completion: Pay close attention to the quest’s objectives and requirements. Successfully completing the quest is a prerequisite for Nina’s recruitment.
  • Dialogue Choices: When Nina offers to join the Liberation Army, make sure to choose the dialogue option that accepts her into your ranks.


  1. Is Nina a mandatory character to recruit?
    • No, Nina is an optional character, but recruiting her can significantly benefit your army.
  2. Can I recruit Nina in Unicorn Overlord after completing “Uprooting the Rock Rats” at any time?
    • You must recruit Nina during the quest. Missing this opportunity means you cannot recruit her later.
  3. What class is Nina in, and why is she important?
    • Nina is a warrior-class character, vital for her anti-armor capabilities and her unique skill set.
  4. What happens if I defeat Nina with a unit other than Mille’s?
    • Defeating Nina with any unit other than Mille’s will prevent her from joining your army.
  5. Can Nina in Unicorn Overlord be used in any team composition?
    • Yes, Nina’s versatile skill set makes her a valuable addition to various team compositions, especially against armored foes.


Recruiting Nina in Unicorn Overlord adds a powerful warrior to your ranks and enriches your gaming experience with her unique backstory and abilities. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure Nina becomes a part of your journey to liberate Fervith. Remember, the choices you make in “Unicorn Overlord” shape your adventure, and recruiting the right characters is key to your success.

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