How to Play Chess Online?

Chess is a classic game that’s been around for hundreds of years, and now it’s taken on a new form on the internet. Online chess has become a big hit, making it easy for anyone, anywhere, to play this brainy game. This article dives into the world of chess online, looking at different websites where you can play and what makes playing chess on the internet so appealing.

Playing chess online is pretty easy. You sign up on a website or an app, pick how you want to play, and you’re ready to go. You can play quick games, long games, or even join tournaments. Some websites even let you watch professional players in action, which is a cool way to learn some new tricks.

In this article, we’re going to look at some popular websites for playing chess online. We’ll see what each site offers and how they make playing chess fun and interesting. Whether you’re looking to play a casual game or get into some serious competition, there’s an online chess site out there for you. Let’s check them out!

Overview of Chess Game

Chess Online

Chess is a timeless strategy game that has been played and enjoyed for centuries. It’s a two-player game that is both simple and complex at the same time. The game is played on a square board divided into 64 smaller squares, with a total of 32 pieces—16 for each player, including one king, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns.

The board is set up in a specific way: the rooks are placed in the corners, knights next to them, bishops next to knights, and the queen and king in the center. The queen is always on her own color (white queen on a white square and black queen on a black square), and the king stands on the remaining square. The pawns fill the second row.

The goal of the game is to put the opponent’s king under direct attack in such a way that the king cannot escape. This situation is called “checkmate,” and it ends the game. There are also other ways the game can end, like a draw, where the game is tied because neither player can checkmate the other.

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Why Chess Online Games Are Popular

Chess Online games have surged in popularity for several reasons, making this ancient game more accessible and engaging in the digital age. Here are some key factors contributing to their popularity:

  1. Accessibility: One of the biggest draws of online chess is its accessibility. Anyone with an internet connection can play, regardless of where they are. This ease of access has opened the game to a much wider audience, from casual players to serious competitors.
  2. Convenience: Online platforms allow players to enjoy a game of chess at any time, without the need to physically set up a board. This convenience means you can play a quick game during a break or indulge in longer sessions whenever you have free time.
  3. Variety of Opponents: Online chess connects players from all over the world, offering a vast range of opponents with different playing styles and skill levels. This diversity is not only more challenging and exciting, but it also provides a richer learning experience.
  4. Learning and Improvement Tools: Many online chess platforms come equipped with tools and resources for learning and improving your game. This includes tutorials, puzzle challenges, game analysis tools, and the ability to review and learn from past games.
  5. Competitive Play and Tournaments: Online chess platforms often host tournaments and provide ranking systems, appealing to the competitive nature of players. This adds an extra layer of excitement and challenge, as players can compete against others for rankings and prizes.

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How to Play Chess Online

Playing chess online is a straightforward and enjoyable experience, suitable for players of all skill levels. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to get started:

  1. Choose a platform: First, select an online chess platform. Popular choices include and others. Each platform has its own unique features, so you might want to explore a few to see which one suits your preferences.
  2. Create an Account: Most online chess platforms require you to create an account. This usually involves providing an email address and creating a username and password. Some platforms allow you to play as a guest, but signing up gives you access to more features.
  3. Set Up Your Profile: After creating an account, you can set up your profile. This might include selecting a profile picture, setting your skill level, and choosing your preferred game settings.
  4. Learn the Basics: If you’re new to chess, many online platforms offer tutorials and guides. These can range from the basic rules of the game to advanced strategies. Take advantage of these resources to familiarize yourself with the game.
  5. Start Playing: You can usually choose to play against an AI opponent or a real person. Playing against AI can be a good start for beginners, as it allows you to play at your own pace and skill level.

Popular Websites Where You Can Play Chess Online

1) is a comprehensive platform offering a multitude of features, such as lessons, puzzles, and articles, to improve your game. It hosts a large community of chess players, ranging from beginners to grandmasters. The site offers daily tournaments, team matches, and a variety of playing modes.

2) is known for its clean interface and ad-free experience. It is an open-source platform that offers free access to all its features, including tournaments, game analysis, and training sessions. Lichess is particularly appreciated for its user-friendly environment and strong community support.


ChessBase is a platform that caters to both beginners and advanced players. It offers rated games, training sessions, and the ability to store games in the cloud. ChessBase is also known for its extensive database and analysis tools, making it a popular choice for serious chess enthusiasts.

4) Chess provides a variety of chess games with different graphic styles and levels. It’s ideal for casual players and those who prefer a more graphical and interactive chess experience. The site offers both traditional chess and variations, suitable for players looking to experiment with different formats.

5) Chess offers a simple and straightforward chess experience, ideal for players who prefer a no-frills approach. It provides basic chess gameplay against AI or other players, with a focus on ease of use and accessibility.


Can beginners play on these platforms?

Yes, these platforms cater to all skill levels, offering tutorials, hints, and adjustable AI difficulty to help beginners learn and improve.

Are these platforms free to use?

Most online chess platforms offer free access to basic features, with some offering premium memberships for advanced tools and ad-free experiences.

Can I play against people from other countries?

Yes, online chess platforms connect players globally, allowing you to play against opponents from anywhere in the world.

Do these sites offer tutorials and learning resources?

Many online chess sites provide learning resources, including tutorials, puzzles, and articles, to help players improve their skills.

Can I analyze my games on these platforms?

Yes, most platforms offer game analysis tools, allowing players to review and learn from their games.


Chess Online platforms have revolutionized the way we play and learn chess. They offer a convenient, interactive, and comprehensive chess experience, catering to players of all levels. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, these platforms provide an accessible way to enjoy this timeless game, connect with a global community, and continuously improve your skills.

Thanks for reading!!

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